66f3fb36ec9a6100245922d9كاليستا ماسكارا وندر فوليوم - اسودhttps://store.whites.net/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66f3fe8e61f06000243f4141/8680705136017.jpg"فرشاة كبيرة، حجم كبير! هذا ما كنت تبحث عنه."53405
مع كل عملية شراء مؤهلة، ستحصل على نقاط الولاء. ويمكنك استبدال هذه النقاط للحصول على مجموعة متنوعة من المكافآت، مثل الخصومات، والعروض الحصرية، أو حتى المنتجات المجانية.
Start with the upper eyelid. For easier application, ask the customer to look down without closing their eyes. Place the brush under the eyelids order to thicken the eyelashes brush with "zig zag" motion from roots to ends. Finally, brush the lower lashes.
Start with the upper eyelid. For easier application, ask the customer to look down without closing their eyes. Place the brush under the eyelids order to thicken the eyelashes brush with "zig zag" motion from roots to ends. Finally, brush the lower lashes.
Start with the upper eyelid. For easier application, ask the customer to look down without closing their eyes. Place the brush under the eyelids order to thicken the eyelashes brush with "zig zag" motion from roots to ends. Finally, brush the lower lashes.
Start with the upper eyelid. For easier application, ask the customer to look down without closing their eyes. Place the brush under the eyelids order to thicken the eyelashes brush with "zig zag" motion from roots to ends. Finally, brush the lower lashes.